Jakob Bloomfield and Family
What originally drew you to PAWS Chicago?
I needed to find a service learning project for my Bar Mitzvah. My passion for animals let my family to PAWS Chicago; PAWS was the only organization that had a family program that I could participate in since I was only 12 years old. When we volunteer, our primary focus is in Dog Town.
Is there a favorite experience that has stood out during your time as a volunteer?
I really enjoyed fostering Starbucks, a puppy that Animal Control picked up just a few days before we got him. He was a part of my family for 11 days over winter break. My brother, sister, mom and dad all helped me care for him. I learned a lot about responsibility.
How does what you do in your career apply to what you do as a volunteer?
I will be an 8th grader in the fall at Aptakisic Junior High School.
Why do you volunteer for PAWS Chicago?
I like to help animals and I enjoy giving them a second chance at life.
Have you participated in any PAWS Chicago special events?
I participated at Run for Their Lives. I also collected pet supplies from my friends and family. In lieu of yarmulkes for my Bar Mitzvah, I donated, along with Petsmart, a car load of supplies.