Animal Welfare News item | PAWS Chicago

Q & A with Nathan Winograd

by Nathan Winograd | Apr 30, 2007

Nathan J. Winograd, a graduate of Stanford Law School, a former criminal prosecutor and corporate attorney, is one of the foremost national No Kill leaders. As Director of Operations for the San Francisco SPCA, Winograd was instrumental in advancing some of the most progressive shelter programs in the nation, and helped establish the first No Kill city. By making a commitment to stop the killing as Executive Director for the Tompkins County (NY) SPCA, he put programs in place that took Tompkins County No Kill. He has since formed No Kill Solutions, a national consulting group to help communities throughout the country move towards No Kill status.


1) Why has the general public been out of the loop in understanding the plight of homeless animals?


 The primary reason is because we have been misled into believing that there is no alternative to killing in shelters. More than that, we have been told that this killing is the right thing to do. The nation