Sweater’s Close-Knit Family
Nov 22, 2022
It took a while for Sweater to find her person, but PAWS stood by her (and scratched her ears) every step of the way. Today, she’s finally home with adopter Sophie Phillips, AND she has an unlikely animal friend! Is it a turtle? A bunny? A ring-tailed lemur? Find out.

For some pets, finding the right person takes a while. And Sweater was one of the pets.
Very particular about her friends, not everyone understood Sweater. But for the PAWS volunteers and staff who took the time, she showed just how much love she had to give.
Finally, an adopter named Sophie Phillips came across Sweater’s profile on the PAWS Chicago website and saw her potential.
“She caught my eye right away. I was drawn to her because of how smart, emotional, and misunderstood she is. I could tell I had a lot to learn from her. “
As part of our Foster First program (For select long-term animals who need extra support from our behavior team to adjust), Sophie was able take Sweater home prior to adoption so they could get to know each other.
“I didn’t know if it would be a good fit, but I wanted to give it a chance because I thought we could both benefit from being in each other’s lives.”
As it turned out, Sophie was right.
“We were very nervous the first few days because of Sweater’s history, but she was so excited about everything. I wanted her to feel safe, so it was very hands off at first. Now, she’s the queen of the house.”
A gracious ruler, Sweater shares her kingdom with her bunny sister Buttercup. They even play together! Life is full of fun.
“Sweater loves eating treats out of her puzzle ball and climbing on anything, especially to get to out-of-reach house plants.”
Sweater and Sophie prove there’s a lock for every key. It just takes patience. And some perusing of the PAWS website.
“I love her complex and always-changing personality. She brings so much joy, love, and excitement into my life. I am so happy we found each other.”
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