PAWS Chicago News archive | PAWS Chicago

PAWS Chicago News Archive

PAWS Chicago News Archive

Mar 09, 2021

Returning To Work, A Guide For You And Your Dog

As COVID-19 vaccinations continue to roll out and Chicago residents slowly but surely return to the office, there’s one furry family member who might…

Mar 09, 2021

Tracy and Her Six Kittens Come to PAWS

Even though the 40+ inches of snow blanketing Chicago just melted, kitten season has officially arrived. Every year, the arrival of spring (or, in…

Mar 09, 2021

Training for PAWS Foster Pups

PAWS Chicago’s expert training staff works hard to set each dog up for success in a home environment. When those dogs go from our Medical Center and…

Mar 09, 2021

Meet Oscar, Owner of Back of the Yards’ Dog-E-Stylez

Oscar Ochoa, fourth from right, put his arm around Alderman Raymond Lopez and posed with his team for a picture at his grooming facility,…

Mar 09, 2021

A Day In the Life of the Shelter Medicine Team

Wake up, gown up, save lives. It might sound like the introduction to a TV show, but it’s what our Shelter Medicine team does every single day at the…

Feb 01, 2021

Wolfie’s PAWS Alumni Pupdate

When Wolfie was found underweight and standing on an abandoned porch, we had no idea how his story with us would unfold - all we knew was that he was…

Feb 01, 2021

Remembering Nancy Kinzie

Today, we’re remembering Nancy Kinzie, a dedicated animal lover who never turned her back to a cat or animal in need.

Nancy, a life-long resident of…

Jan 31, 2021

Meet the PAWS Foster Team

Every year, thousands of the animals that come to PAWS spend part of their rescue journey in foster homes. Whether they’re healing from an injury or…

Jan 26, 2021

Max’s New Tri-Pawd life

We don't know how Max's injury happened. It could have been a fight, a fall, or even a car. For the past few months, Max had lived the normal life of…

Jan 26, 2021

Build a Better Bond

A strong bond between human and pet is one of the most important fundamentals in developing a relationship with your pet. Establishing a bond from the…