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Cold Weather Tips For Pets

by Dr. Robert Dann, DVM | Feb 08, 2016

As temperatures fall, pet owners need to take extra precautions to keep their animals healthy and safe. The most important thing to bring with you when taking your pet outside in the winter is a dose of common sense.

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Although many breeds of dogs love going outside in the winter and are adapted for the outdoors, smaller dogs and those with little or no hair should have sweaters or coats to protect them from the weather. If you notice your pet shivering, you have a clear sign that he is cold. Bitter cold can be damaging to the lining of the respiratory tract, a particular problem for pets with a history of heart or lung disease. 

Prolonged exposure to cold can lead to hypothermia (low body temperature) and frostbite, noted mostly at the tips of the ears and tail and characterized by red- or gray-tinged skin. If you suspect frostbite, never rub the affected areas as this will worsen the damage. Instead, gently warm the afflicted areas by immersing them in warm (not hot) water or gently covering them with warm, moist towels. Prompt treatment by a veterinarian will then be required. 

With the onset of wintry weather, special attention needs to be given to your pets