HB 1711 Makes History
Feb 23, 2022

Update: February 23, 2022
Today is a momentous day for pets in Illinois – the Humane Pet Store Bill is officially in effect! Illinois has become the fifth state to ban puppy mill sales in pet stores.
This is a great victory for pets – after months of advocacy, Governor Pritzker signed HB 1711 into law in August 2021 and it went into effect on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. This historic legislation will protect puppy mill pets from being bred for profit by driving the pet market in Illinois towards more humane sources like shelters, rescues, and responsible breeders. Thank you to everyone who contacted their state legislators and helped bring these protections to pets statewide!
Update: February 11, 2022
HB 4643, which would reverse the historic passing of Humane Pet Store Bill HB 1711 that was signed into law last summer, will be heard in committee this Tuesday, Feb 15th. Please speak up for animals in need by signing witness slips in opposition ASAP. Individuals can mark “self” for representation, and “record of appearance only”. It only takes 1 minute of your time to make a difference, sign the witness slip below and voice your opposition today!
Click here to fill out your Witness Slip form.
Witness Slip Instructions:
Part I: Fill in your information. Enter "Self" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields.
Part II: Enter "Self" in available field
Part IV: Mark "Record Of Appearance Only"
What is HB 4643?
Historic legislation (HB 1711) was signed into law August 2021, and due to take effect this month, protecting puppy mill pets bred for profit by driving the pet market in Illinois towards more humane sources like shelters, rescues and responsible breeders. It protects mother dogs and puppies from the puppy mill pipeline and prevents consumers from supporting cruel puppy mills and ending up with sick puppies.
HB 4643, introduced by pet store and puppy mill lobbyists, would reverse the protection of pets born for profit across the state and place thousands of animals in danger once again. The bill is scheduled for a hearing this Tuesday, February 15. Please take action now and voice your opposition by filling out a witness slip!
Update: January 24, 2022
The legal path to protect innocent lives from the terrors of puppy mills continues. The hearing for SB 1751 Amendment 2 was cancelled in the House of Representatives last week, and the rescheduled date hasn’t been announced. But puppy mill lobbyists are still at work by introducing a new bill – HB 4643 – which would reverse the historic passing of the Humane Pet Store Bill HB 1711.
HB 4643 has not been assigned to a committee yet but in the meantime, it is vital to contact your State House Representative to OPPOSE HB 4643. Find your House Representative and their contact information and ask them to vote NO on HB 4643.
Update: January 14, 2022
Historic legislation—HB 1711, signed into law August 27, 2021, and due to take effect next month—protects puppy mill pets bred for profit by driving the pet market in Illinois towards more humane sources like shelters, rescues and responsible breeders. It protects mother dogs and puppies from the puppy mill pipeline and prevents consumers from being duped into supporting cruel puppy mills and ending up with sick puppies.
Now, a dangerous amendment put forth by pet store lobbyists seeks to reverse those protections and undermine the new law. SB 1751 Amendment 2 would reverse the protection of pets born for profit across the state and place thousands of animals in danger once again. The bill is scheduled for a hearing this Tuesday, January 18. Please take action now!
1) Call your House Representatives to oppose SB 1751 Amendment 2.
Find your State Representative and their contact information.
2) Sign a Witness Slip to oppose the bill before Tuesday, January 18 at 3pm.
Click here to fill out your Witness Slip form.
Witness Slip Instructions:
Part I: Fill in your information. Enter "Self" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields.
Part II: Enter "Self" in available field
Part IV: Mark "Record Of Appearance Only"
Update: August 27, 2021
Since March, HB 1711, the Humane Pet Store Bill, has passed through the Illinois legislature, garnered support from thousands of animal-lovers, and made its way to Governor Pritzker’s desk. Today, Governor Pritzker will sign HB 1711 into law!
Soon, animals will be legally protected from puppy mill breeding intended for pet store profit in the state of Illinois.
What happens to the legislation now that Governor Pritzker signed HB 1711?
With the Governor’s support of HB 1711, puppy mill pets bred for profit will soon be legally protected by the state of Illinois! The protections for puppy mill animals outlined in HB 1711 will become effective 180 days after its passing, or late February 2022.
Thank you, animal advocates, for using your voices for pets in need! Because of your constant, unwavering support, our state has taken an important step toward an even stronger No Kill community. We wouldn’t be celebrating this momentous victory for in-need pets without you.
Update: July 22, 2021
HB 1711, the Humane Pet Store Bill, is still sitting on Governor Pritzker’s desk waiting to be signed into law. This legislation is vital to furthering the No Kill mission and protecting pets born for profit across the state. Its passage would make Illinois the 5th state to ban puppy mill sales in pet stores. Thank you to all who have helped voice support of this bill!
Your advocacy can’t end here. Constant, daily contact with the Governor’s office is needed to get this legislation enacted.
Contact Governor Pritzker’s office by phone at (217) 782-0244 or email at gov.billpositions@illinois.gov to urge Governor Pritzker to sign the bill into law.
Suggested email script:
Dear Governor Pritzker,
As your constituent, I urge you to sign HB 1711 into law to prohibit the sale of puppy mill puppies and kittens in pet stores today. By signing this bill, you’ll be helping Illinois make history as the nation’s 5th state to ban puppy mill sales.
HB 1711 will drive the pet market in Illinois towards more humane sources like shelters, rescues and responsible breeders. It will protect mother dogs and puppies from the puppy mill pipeline and prevent consumers from being duped into supporting cruel puppy mills and ending up with sick puppies.
[Your Name]
Update: June 1, 2021
HB 1711, the Humane Pet Store Bill, has passed with 38 votes! Now that it’s been voted out of both the Illinois House and Senate, it’s on its way to Governor Pritzker’s desk to be signed into law. Thanks to all who helped voice their support of this bill and the senators and representatives who championed this cause, puppy mill breeders can no longer rely on selling the animals born in their care for profit in Illinois pet stores.
Update: May 28, 2021
We are happy to report that HB 1711, the Humane Pet Store Bill, passed the Senate Agriculture Committee 12-1 yesterday, which means it is now before the entire Senate for a vote at any time. Your help is urgently needed. Please contact your State Senator today to support HB 1711!
Find your State Senator and their contact information.
Update: April 21, 2021
Chicago just passed Ordinance 2827 to close the puppy mill loophole, an incredible win for innocent animals! The passage of HB 1711 would extend these protections to animals statewide.
Right now, HB 1711 is in the Illinois Senate, about to be assigned to a committee where it will be ready for a committee hearing. You can directly help this bill pass by contacting your senator to support or cosponsor HB 1711, and make Illinois the 5th state to make history for homeless pets. Find your Senator and their contact information.
Related: Read how you can support SB 0153 and the effort to strengthen protections in animal cruelty cases in Illinois.
Update: March 17, 2021
We are thrilled to report that HB 1711 passed out of the Illinois Consumer Protection Committee with a 5-1 vote, which means it’s now headed to the floor of the Illinois House of Representatives.
HB 1711 joins another animal welfare bill on the House floor called HB 572, which will prohibit third party financing for dogs and cats purchased in pet stores and will protect consumers from high interest rates. Both bills are before the House of Representatives and will be voted on in the coming weeks.
Your help is needed for these bills to pass the next stage in the legislative process. Please contact your Illinois Representative to urge them to support and co-sponsor HB 1711 and HB 572 by using the suggested script below. Find your Representative and their contact information.
Update: March 12, 2021
On Monday, March 15, the Illinois Consumer Protection Committee will vote on HB 1711, a bill that will ban puppy mill sales in pet stores statewide, thereby protecting innocent animals who have survived inhumane treatment for profit.
The 2014 Chicago Pet Store Ordinance (Ordinance 2827) was the first step in protecting animals within city-limits, but a loophole in the ordinance allowed three pet stores to exploit the law. In January 2021, PAWS Chicago showed our support for an amendment to close this loophole, but the amendment was put on hold by the city council. HB 1711 would not only close the loophole, but it will also extend protections statewide.
Passage of this bill means dogs and cats for sale in pet stores must be obtained from a credible animal shelter or animal control facility. That means statewide protection for innocent animals who have endured cruel conditions at the hands of puppy mills.
The road to passing HB 1711 is just beginning. The bill will first be up for vote in the Illinois House Consumer Protection Committee. If it passes the vote on Monday, it will advance to the full House of Representatives, then Senate Committee, the Senate Floor, and ultimately will land on Governor Pritzker’s desk to be signed into law.
Right now, your support can impact the outcome of the vote that will protect innocent animals in Illinois.
If you live in Illinois, please sign a Witness Slip to show your support of HB 1711 before Monday, March 15 at 3pm. By making your voice heard, you will stand up for the humane treatment of animals and promise them a better tomorrow.
Click here to fill out your Witness Slip form.
Witness Slip Instructions:
Part I: Fill in your information. Enter "Self" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields.
Part II: Enter "Self" in available field
Part III: Mark "Proponent"
Part IV: Mark "Record Of Appearance Only"