Help Support PAWS Chicago's Oklahoma Animal Rescue Mission
When disaster strikes, PAWS Chicago responds. After enduring weeks of inclement conditions, nearly all of Oklahoma suffered from catastrophic weather events - ranging from tornadoes to severe flooding. Local animal shelters, anticipating a large influx of displaced animals, reached out for help. PAWS Chicago immediately dispatched transport vans to offer relief.
Our volunteers stepped up to offer assistance and the vans departed for Oklahoma on Wednesday, May 29th. We anticipate the group will return to the PAWS Chicago Medical Center on the morning of Friday, May 31st.
PAWS Chicago's rescue efforts are focused on pets who were given up by their owners or who were previously in local shelters before the storms hit. By rescuing these animals, we’ll help make room for the coming influx of animals displaced by the storm. Meanwhile, we are readying our Medical Center for the arrival of the animals we are able to bring back.
With this rescue mission, PAWS Chicago’s need for resources have increased. Foster homes and medical supplies will be required to care for these animals, many of whom are sick, injured or traumatized by recent experiences. PAWS Chicago welcomes donations and asks for people in Chicago to open their homes to foster pets and to sign up to volunteer. Join our efforts to help alleviate suffering.
Please join our efforts to alleviate suffering and save more animals
We will post routine updates on the Oklahoma Rescue Mission as details are available. Check back often!
Thursday, June 13 | 11:16 AM
Two weeks ago, PAWS Chicago vans arrived back to our Medical Center from Oklahoma, filled to capacity with homeless pets displaced by powerful storms and flooding. We opened our doors to these suffering animals because we knew we could count on you to help us save their lives.
And with your support we’re doing just that. Jinxy, one of the cats from Oklahoma, arrived with a massive, life threatening hernia. She was rushed into emergency surgery and, thanks to great work by our talented medical staff, she survived. She’s now healthy, recovered and happy in her new home.
Jinxy was part of the first wave of disaster relief rescues available for adoption, and we are so thrilled her story has a happy ending, but we still have dozens of Oklahoma animals who need our lifesaving care. Stay tuned for more updates!

Wednesday, June 5 | 5:08 PM
Today we celebrate Garfield and his new family! Garfield is the first Oklahoma pet who was adopted, while many more are waiting for their chance.
Don't forget many of our Oklahoma rescues are in need of loving foster homes before they can be adopted. Sign up today!

Tuesday, June 4 | 6:15 PM
After making their way to Chicago following the devastation in Oklahoma, seven animals have just arrived at our Lincoln Park and North Shore Adoption Centers. They received full exams at our Medical Center and are now ready to find their new families!
This is just the first wave of disaster relief rescues available for adoption, but we still have dozens of Oklahoma animals who need our life-saving care. The only reason we can offer our disaster relief services and continuing care for so many animals is because of your continued support. Thank you for your compassion and generosity in their time of greatest need.
Many more animals are waiting to find a foster home. Interested in providing temporary shelter to these pets? Sign up here.
These Oklahoma rescues, along with other amazing animals, are available for adoption today!

Friday, May 31 | 1:46 PM
From Oklahoma to Chicago: The newest members of the PAWS Chicago family arrived at the PAWS Chicago Medical Center this morning! Named after the Oklahoma counties that were devastated in recent storms, these animals are in good spirits despite everything they’ve been through.
Each animal will receive complete medical care at PAWS – including vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, microchip identification – and when medically cleared, adopted into a stable family environment in the coming weeks.
We can offer our lifesaving disaster relief to so many animals because we know we can count on your support. Thank you for your compassion and generosity in their time of greatest need.
PAWS Chicago’s need for resources will increase as additional foster homes will be required to care for these animals. To get involved, please fill out our foster application here.

Friday, May 31 | 6:56 AM
In just a few hours, a PAWS Chicago caravan will return to our Medical Center carrying rescued homeless pets from areas of Oklahoma ravaged by the recent storms.
Pets from 8-weeks to 14-years-old who desperately need our help. You can act now to help provide medical care and save more animals.
And these are just the first. PAWS Chicago will continue to take in Oklahoma pets from our local partners over the few weeks. A second transport of animals from the area arrives later this month.
We can offer our lifesaving disaster relief to so many animals is because we know we can count on your support. Thank you for your compassion and generosity in their time of greatest need. Link in bio.
Many of our Oklahoma pets will need a foster home. To get involved, please fill out a foster application.
We’ll post more updates when the vans arrive in just a few hours, but please join us in thanking all the incredible volunteers who stepped up to make this long journey on behalf of homeless pets!
Photos by Mark Lukas

Thursday, May 30 | 4:14 PM
A PAWS Chicago volunteer caravan carrying much needed supplies is being dispatched tonight in response to the devastation of recent Oklahoma storms. Our medical staff and volunteers will meet multiple impacted shelters in a safe, central location tomorrow and transport these vulnerable animals back to the PAWS Chicago Medical Center.
Join our efforts to alleviate suffering and save more animals.
Following this rescue mission, PAWS Chicago’s need for resources will increase as additional foster homes, volunteers and supplies will be required to care for these animals, many of whom may be sick, injured or traumatized by recent experiences. Stay tuned for updates from the rescue effort and how you can help.