Support PAWS Chicago's Texas Tornado Animal Rescue
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February 23
The Texas Tornado dogs continue to find loving Chicagoland homes after some rest, relaxation and in some cases foster care. Here are Colby, Mozzarella, and Parmesan hours after arriving at PAWS on WGN-TV with PAWS CEO Susanna Wickham.
February 14
Puppies Dulce and Ducana today became the first Texas Tornado dogs available for adoption! They were transported to the Pippen Fasseas Adoption Center, 1997 N. Clybourn, from the PAWS Chicago Medical Center in Little Village. Once these adorable 11-week-old littermates arrived in Chicago last week, they were happy and got healthier by the day.
Their journey, in many ways, is the story of how PAWS Chicago offers many levels of care. They were among 33 dogs we rescued following a rare January tornado that badly damaged a shelter in the Houston, Texas area. After the 1,100-mile journey, PAWS Chicago gave them a full medical exam and treatment. Having developed a slight upper respiratory infection during the transport, PAWS placed them in a foster home for a few days to heal. They quickly returned and are ready for loving homes in Chicagoland.

February 10
You might recognize Mozzarella, Colby and Feta from their TV appearance Tuesday morning WGN. They are just 7 weeks old and need to be fostered until they are ready to be spayed and neutered. It won’t be long, so stay tuned and look for them to arrive at the PAWS Chicago Lincoln Park Adoption Center later this month. Similarly, 10-week-old littermates Dulce and Ducana are in a foster home to get stronger and healthier for their Chicagoland adoptions.
At PAWS Chicago, we owe so much to our foster homes. So often, dogs and cats need a loving home in which to recover or heal to get ready to go to an adoption home. Foster care is critical to the No Kill movement because we can clear room for another dog or cat to be received by PAWS Chicago while a pet receives necessary love and attention in a foster home. In the case of the Texas Tornado Dogs, 5 puppies are already in foster care.

February 9
Long drives are hard on all of us, but for Spartan a 7-week old black and tan puppy, the 1,100-mile journey from Houston to Chicago was rough. Spartan was dehydrated and vomited several times during the trip. Luckily for Spartan, his destination was PAWS Chicago Medical Center, where staff, volunteers immediately examined and treated him.
Spartan was treated and monitored all day yesterday and had to be separated from his mother, Sonesta and his four littermates (Sonoma, Sparrow, Spago, and Soda). But Spartan has proved to be a fighter and quickly recovered. We are happy to report that he is back with his family and feeling much better. PAWS veterinary staff is monitoring the condition of many of the Texas puppies and dogs that are getting stronger and ready to head to caring homes.

February 8
The Texas Tornado Dogs that arrived at PAWS Chicago early Tuesday morning are building their energy, getting treated, and many are on the verge of adoption. Amor has been cleared to be adopted and will be transported the Lincoln Park Adoption Center tomorrow. He could be joined by several of his Texas family on that trip to the adoption center. So far we have also spayed and neutered Duke, Knight, Tempo and the appropriately named Twister, whose white fur patch (roughly) resembles a tornado. Our vets will spend some time with each of them today to determine if they need any medical care before being ready for adoption.

We will keep you updated on all the health and developments of all our Tornado Dogs!
February 7
After a long and tiring 1,100-mile journey, 33 dogs and puppies arrived at PAWS Chicago just after midnight this morning from five Houston-area shelters. They are spending their first day in Chicago resting up for loving homes. PAWS Chicago volunteers, employees and medical staff stayed several hours late to welcome the dogs and make them immediately comfortable at the PAWS Chicago Medical Center in Little Village. Within minutes of arriving, each dog – including 27 puppies under 1 year old – were already snuggling in doggie beds, playing with toys, and resting after a long day of travel.
Each dog was given a complete medical exam and many will be spayed or neutered soon. But first, it’s time for them to meet the PAWS Chicago team of employees and volunteers at the PAWS Medical Center. They spent much of the day hamming it up for the camera and practicing their “adopt me eyes” for later this week.

February 6
PAWS Chicago rescued more than 30 dogs and puppies from the Houston, Texas region following dangerous storms there last week. A tornado ripped the roof from the Pasadena Animal Shelter in Pasadena, Texas, forcing the facility to close and relocate each of their animals.
We contacted the Pasadena shelter and several other animal rescue organization partners in the region, offering to accept more than 30 dogs and puppies, which recently arrived at the PAWS Chicago Medical Center.
Every dog will receive a complete medical examination by PAWS veterinarians and given proper medical treatment and care prior to being made available for foster care and adoption in the Chicagoland area. Each dog, if they haven’t been already, will be spayed and neutered before adoption.
Now that the dogs have safely arrived in Chicago, there are several ways you can help:
- Make a donation to support the costs associated with sending the PAWS volunteer vans to Florida for the rescue, and then rehabilitating the pets at the PAWS Chicago Medical Center, the country’s most advanced hospital for homeless pets. Each pet will be given complete medical care, vaccinations, microchips, spay/neuter surgeries and other treatments as needed.
- Sign up to foster a pet. Pets recovering from trauma and health issues are more likely to thrive in a home environment after receiving medical care from PAWS. Putting pets in foster makes room in our hospital for the next patient.
- Consider adopting a homeless pet. Every adopted pet makes room at PAWS for the next transport serving an area of need.
PAWS Chicago takes action in natural disasters, forging long-term partnerships to help communities long after the disaster subsides. The newly renovated PAWS Chicago Medical Center makes it possible for the organization to take in a large volume of animals in emergency situations and provide the advanced level of care these helpless pets deserve.