Andrew Ballantyne | PAWS Chicago

Andrew Ballantyne

Canine Behavior Trainer

A Little Bit About Andrew

Andrew always longed for a dog growing up, but his situation didn’t allow it. Instead, he would visit friends and family to play with their dogs, and occasionally dog sit. At nineteen years old, his first dog Y-Lee came into his life and they had a phenomenal eleven years together. After Y-Lee’s passing, Andrew spent more and more time hanging out with his brother and sister-in-law’s Rhodesian Ridgebacks. So much so that Andrew tagged along to an Animal Behavior Training Concepts puppy class. Andrew was blown away by Laura Monaco Torelli’s teaching style. The welcoming environment and explanation of positive reinforcement really clicked with him (pun intended). Soon after, Andrew attended the next Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Professional class taught by Laura. It was an amazing learning experience and solidified the next phase of his life: working with and training dogs.

After graduating from the Karen Pryor Academy in 2013, Andrew adopted his PAWS dog Gus, a goofy hound that continues to make him smile every day. In 2019, Andrew joined a veterinary behavior practice, Insight Animal Behavior Services, specializing in animals with medium to severe behavioral issues including aggression, fear, and anxiety.

The knowledge and experience gained from working closely with veterinary behaviorists, distressed clients, and distressed dogs strengthened his commitment to helping clients better understand behavioral issues and helping dogs work through their fear, anxiety, and stress.